Develop POS system in EasyWeek

A POS (Point of Sale) system is typically used for processing transactions at the time of sale in a retail or hospitality environment. The POS system feature in EasyWeek CRM will include the following: * Sales processing, including accepting payments and generating receipts. * Multiple payment options include credit cards, debit cards, mobile payments, and cash. * Different payment lines – the ability to split a transaction into multiple payment types, such as cash, credit card, or gift card. * Connecting card terminals. * Customer data capture: The system can capture customer data at the point of sale, such as contact details, purchase history, and preferences. * Loyalty program integration. * Tax calculation: The system can automatically calculate taxes based on the sale's location and the applicable tax laws in that area. * Track tips separately: A POS system allows employees to input tips directly into the system or automatically calculate tips based on the transaction total. It's essential to track tips separately from other types of revenue in your accounting system to accurately report and pay taxes on tip income.